Title of Practice: Mentor Mentee Program


  1. Skill Development: The mentor-mentee relationship can provide a structured and personalized way for the mentee to learn new skills or improve upon existing ones.
  2. Networking: A mentor-mentee program can provide the mentee with access to the mentor’s network of contacts and resources.
  3. Career Development: A mentor can help the mentee to navigate their career path, set career goals, and develop strategies for achieving those goals.
  4. Personal Development: The mentor-mentee relationship can also provide opportunities for personal growth and development help the mentee to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Knowledge Transfer: Mentors can share their knowledge, skills, and experience with the mentee, passing on their expertise and helping to build the next generation of leaders.
  6. To create a positive learning environment.

The Context:

The institution must promote and implement mentor mentee program as one of the essential practices owing to the diversified nature of student’s diverse socio-cultural and economic backgrounds. The college aims to foster an atmosphere of intellectual vigor and moral rectitude in which the young minds come across the latest technologies which they have to adopt and the moral ethics as the youth of India. By establishing mentor mentee program in the institute the following positive changes has been observed.

  1. Increased Student Engagement: By providing students with a supportive and personalized relationship.
  2. Improved Student Retention: the student retention rate has improved as the students feel supported and connected to the institution, and hence they persist and complete their degree.
  3. Positive Impact on Institutional Culture: By promoting inclusivity, diversity, and support for students, the program has fostered culture of care and support within the institution.
  4. Professional Development Opportunities: Mentors share their expertise and knowledge with their mentees, which enhances their own professional growth.

The Practice:

Every second and fourth Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, mentoring sessions are regularly held and is mandatory for students to attend. UG courses has one mentor for every ten students and two mentors are assigned if there are more than ten students. Mentor also monitors the mentee’s personal growth including extracurricular activities, behavior problems and career-related challenges. Academic, attendance, personal, professional and general criteria form the mentorship standards. Details about the mentee’s academic achievement including attendance records and results from unit tests, class tests, model exams and end-of-semester exams are given to the mentors.

 Evidence of Success:

  1. Mentoring always go far beyond career advancement, contrary to popular belief. It boosted self-assurance and greater awareness of oneself in student.
  2. Along with receiving help from sources other than management, the mentee also expanded their network and be exposed to different insights.
  3. A cordial environment in the classroom and on campus has been made possible by the development of a strong interaction between professors and students.

Problems encountered and resources required:

  1. Unfortunately, mentees frequently lack clarity around what they hope to gain from their mentoring relationship.
  2. Materials pertaining to careers, professionals and general advice are inadequate because the institution is self-financed.

Supporting Documents: