BEST PRACTICE 2 (2022-2024)

Title of the Practice

Setting up of honesty hub in the college campus to inculcate honesty in the youth.
Obejctive of the Practice
To inculcate moral values especially honesty and truthfulness in today’s youth.

The Context

The reason for setting an honesty hub is the deterioration of moral values and self-centeredness in today’s youth. Honesty hub is an effort to make students self-accountable and have a positive impact on society.

The Practice

Honesty hub is a sort of tuck shop having utility articles needed by students in day to day life such as stationery goods, handkerchief, sanitary, napkin, rubber band, etc. These articles are displayed in a well-decorated hub with quotations on honesty and moral values. The rate list is also displayed. An open cash box with change is also kept there. Students were notified to buy anything, they want from that hub and keep the money in the cash box. There is no camera for surveillance. After every month stock checking is done. Honesty hub is being run on no profit no loss basis.

Evidence of success

Every month an honesty index is prepared based on the value of goods sold and money in cash box. The success of the practice lies in the honesty index is almost 100% and in certain months above 100%.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Since honesty is an abstract entity, it is very difficult to popularize the idea. It was very difficult to make students realise the importance of opening up of Honesty Hub in the college. The next problem that the organisers encountered was the resources required to run it. The teachers of the Dept. of Economics volunteered to spend money from their own pocket to keep the honesty show running.