Extended Profile Deviations:
Metrics Level Deviations: | Number of seats filled year wise during last five years (Only first year admissions to be considered) |
1. | Kindly provide the sanction letter of intake from affiliating University/Government/ statutory body for first years students only. | | Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the approved admission list year-wise/ program-wise from the affiliating university. | | Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years (Exclusive of supernumerary seats) |
1. | Kindly provide the copy of letter issued by state govt. or central government indicating the reserved categories considered as per the state rule (in English as applicable). |
2. | Kindly provide the consolidated authenticated final admission list of first year students indicating their category published by the HEI and signed by the principal. | | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt rule year wise during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell every year for the first year students with seal and signature of the principal. |
2. | Kindly provide the number of seats year marked for the reserved categories. | | Number of final year students who passed the university examination year wise during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the result sheet published by the affiliating university attested by the principal for fresh final year appeared students. | | Number of final year students who appeared for the university examination year-wise during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the certified report from Controller Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program-wise / year-wise. | | Number of outgoing students placed and / or progressed to higher education year wise during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the consolidated authenticated year-wise, academic year-wise list of students placed and progressed to higher education year wise during the last five years. |
2. | Kindly provide the appointment letter of students. |
3. | Kindly provide the proofs of students like admission letters or identity cards or higher degree certificates who progressed to higher education. |
5.2.2 | Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the consolidated authenticated year-wise, academic year-wise list of students. |
2. | Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination such as IIT/JAM/NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/GPAT/CLAT/CAT/ GRE/TOEFL/ IELTS/Civil Services/State government examinations etc. year wise under each category. | | Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) year wise during the last five years |
1. | Kindly provide the e-copies of award letters and certificates. | | Number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated year wise during last five years |
1. | Report of the events/along with photographs appropriately dated and captioned year- wise. |
2. | Copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities. |
3. | Consolidated authenticated list of students participated in different events year wise signed by the head of the institution. |