Department of Computer Application

The Department of Computer Application is an academic department that focuses on teaching students about various aspects of computer programming, software development, and computer science. This department is typically found in universities and colleges that offer undergraduate and graduate programs in computer science or information technology.

The department offers courses and training programs in various areas of computer application, such as software engineering, database management, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and computer networks. The department also offers research opportunities to students interested in pursuing advanced studies in computer science.

Students who major in computer application learn various programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and software development methodologies. They also learn how to design, implement, and test software systems, as well as how to analyze complex problems and develop innovative solutions using computer technology.

Graduates of the Department of Computer Application can pursue careers as software developers, computer programmers, systems analysts, database administrators, network administrators, IT consultants, and many other related positions in various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and government.

Year of Establishment:


Name of Programs / Courses offered (U.G.) & (P.G.):



System of Program / Course conduction:

UG – Yearly Base

PG – Yearly Wise

Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled:

1.Asst. Professor0101

Faculty Profile:

Additional Facilities

  1. *CSIR UGC NET & SET Exam Preparation*
  2. *Certificate in Basic “C Programming”*