Discipline & Anti Ragging Committee

KR Technical College is keen to maintain Student Discipline and Control Ragging in the College Committee for fresher’s students.  For this reason the Principal of the college has proposed the formation of this Discipline and Anti Ragging Committee in the college. The Discipline and Anti-ragging Cell, established according to the regulations of the UGC, is the moral police of our college. The Cell’s responsibility is to ensure that students maintain discipline in the class rooms and within the college campus. Members of the Cell regularly go on rounds to each and every class room to make note of errant behavior and to make sure that the college campus is free from ragging and eve-teasing. The Cell takes severe punitive action against students indulging in such heinous activities.

The students can make use of the suggestions box kept in the campus to make their complaints regarding ragging. They may also approach the members of the cell or any of their other teachers as is comfortable to them.


To create a safe and motivating environment in our institute and to bring professionalism among students by inculcating best practices.


  • To establish a holistic approach to discipline and anti-ragging by fostering the value of self-administration
  • To create a comfortable environment for all the students and nurture an environment that is in accordance with the mission of our institute by maintaining decorum, dignity and harmony within the campus.


  • To maintain discipline in the campus.
  • To aware the students of dehumanizing effect of ragging inherent in its perversity.
  • To achieve the goal of creating a safe, motivating and accepting environment by supporting the use of positive attitudes
  • To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
  • To ensure appropriate communication between authorities and students.
  • To generate an atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that no act of ragging shall be tolerated and any act of ragging shall not go unnoticed and unpunished.


  • To ensure compliance with the provisions of Regulations as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging.
  • To monitor and oversee the performance of the Anti-Ragging Squad in prevention of ragging in the institution.
  • To monitor and oversee the performance of the Disciplinary Squad in the prevention of in-disciplinary activity in the institution.

Frequency of the Meeting:

Thrice in a year

Club Formation:

Minutes of Meeting:


Various Activities Year 2022-23:

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Various Activities Year 2021-22:

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Various Activities Year 2017-18:

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