1. Institution works with a Holistic education model that will lose the restriction imposed by academic fields and create a system that is adaptable enough to allowed students to study a variety of subjects together. Institution offers flexible and innovative curricula in PG courses that include credit based courses. Social outreach is performed by students in guidance of subjective teachers with all these efforts we try to inculcate the value based multi disciplinary and Holistic education.
2. Our institution has yet not registered under the ABC because Sant Gahira Guru University under which our institution is affiliated, has not yet registered for Academic Bank of credits(NEP-2020). In all PG course credit based system is already implemented in our college.
3. In order to strengthen the vocational education and soft skill of students our institution provides Value Added Certificate courses in Graphic Design and Image Editing for CS/IT, Computerized Financial Accounting for Department of Commerce and Management, Certificate in Chhattisgarh Information for Arts & Humanities. For Department of Science and technology which includes Botany, Zoology, Chemistry Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science Certificate in Personality Development is provided.
4. Exploring India’s intellectual scientific artistic and traditional knowledge is one of the Strategies for integrating the Indian knowledge system that KRTC has started. The use of students native language is not restricted in the classroom. In other instances student come from both English and Hindi background. So, the teacher assists the concept of subjects in both English and Hindi Mode. Courses such as B.A, BCA, B.Sc., B.Com are taught in bilingual Mode (Hindi/English). To preserve & promote Indian languages, ancient traditional knowledge, arts, culture and tradition many commemorative days are celebrated, Historical events and literature of that era are taught to students. Educational tour and many social activities are done by NSS Unit and Social Club of our college in order to spread awareness for many social issues.
5. Institution and its faculties uses Restructured Teaching Methods & The Reversed Learning Model. Appropriate instructional approach in classroom has been implemented such as seminar, assignment, problem solving, encouragement for peer learning as well as remedial classes are provided to slow learners. Best practice performed by our institution is Career Counseling in which we guide students about the profession that they can opt or field in which they can go after completion of specific courses running under the Institution. Classes for Personality Development, Interview facing & Resume Writing are also provided to students.
6. One of the best practices that our institution performs is KRTC E-College Modulein college website under which free video lectures are available for our students as well as for those who are even not enrolled in our Institution. During the time of pandemic online teaching platforms such a Teachmint & SAARC had been used by our faculties. They also got training programs from SWAYAM platform. Other online apps such as Google Meet, Zoom and Skype has also been familiarized to the students of rural areas in order to get education without any hindrance.