Student Union & Student Association

KR Technical College is keen to promote  various activity by student himself for. For this reason the IQAC of the college has proposed the formation of this student union in the college. A student union and association is a group running by student that dedicates its time and resources  to give the whole student community of the college; fairness, opportunities and voice. Student union or student government will able to present their problems Infront of society or college. Many times students unions usually focusing on providing facilities, support and services to students. 


We envision a union where every student has access to an affordable high quality post secondary education that expands and enriches their life experience, assists in the attainment of their educational and professional aspirations and equips they with the tools to serve as engaged and social responsible citizens.


  • To ensure that students are valued.
  • To support in pursuing their educational aspirations.
  • To empower students to participate as engaged citizens.
  • To support student in meeting their personal needs.


  • The main objective of a student union is to solve student problems that can either be related to academic life or a general political and social nature.
  • To provide convenient up to date services to meet current needs of the college committee.
  • To assist in the personal development of student through both formal training session and daily interaction in the areas of leadership.


  • It is very beneficial for students as well as teachers for. Because they will learn some soft skills collaboration, managing them as well as leadership.
  • Participation and representation.
  • Co-operation and become responsible.
  • Here work will build a sense of belonging ownership and commitment and honest members.

Frequency of the Meeting:

Thrice in a year

Club Formation:

Minutes of Meeting:


Various Activities Year 2022-23:

ProposalClick HereClick Here
AcceptanceClick HereClick Here
ReportClick HereClick Here

Various Activities Year 2021-22:

ProposalClick HereClick Here
AcceptanceClick HereClick Here
ReportClick HereClick Here

Various Activities Year 2020-21:

ProposalClick Here
AcceptanceClick Here
ReportClick Here

Various Activities Year 2019-20:

ProposalClick HereClick Here
AcceptanceClick HereClick Here
ReportClick HereClick Here

Various Activities Year 2018-19:

ProposalClick HereClick Here
AcceptanceClick HereClick Here
ReportClick HereClick Here

Various Activities Year 2017-18:

ProposalClick HereClick Here
AcceptanceClick HereClick Here
ReportClick HereClick Here